Sunday 30 January 2011


Cold words freeze people, and hot words scorch them, and bitter words make them bitter, and wrathful words make them wrathful. Kind words also produce their image on men's souls; and a beautiful image it is. They smooth, and quiet, and comfort the hearer...
Blaise Pascal

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Quote o' the day!

So today before we went to school Em and I decided to put on mascara-a very RARE occurrence! For no reason really and then we found out that today was "El dia de la mujer" basically-Ladies'd think they'd at least give us a half day...anyways back to what I was saying. While we were walking, Emily suddenly comes out with, "I'm really distracted by my eyelashes" (she says mesmerized-smh) Then obviously I started laughing at her then she got distracted by MY eyelashes! ahhh! Good times!

Back to the actual quote-

"Work is not primarily a thing one does to live, but the thing one lives to do. It is, or should be the full expression of the worker's faculties, and the thing in which he finds spiritual, mental, and bodily satisfaction, and the medium in which he offers himself to God." Dorothy Leigh Sayers

Biscuits 'n' gravey

Is there anything like it? Anything before it? Anything after it? Doubt it! Every since that day Emily told me she could make it, I've been completely smitten! Yep with them both! ;) I'm not talking about them baking soda biscuits from KFC either. These bad boys are the real deal! So you know, this is going be a staple meal in my house from now on! There's nothing like a fresh baked biscuit alongside some steaming gravey on any day to satisfy the soul! Pictures coming soon!

Saturday 22 January 2011

Wisdom tooth envy!

Who would have thought there could be such a thing? But it happened not to one, not two but all three of us had toothaches when Emily was getting her wisdom tooth! Sounds kinda fishy you say? I didn't believe it either, I couldn't!...but....The pain was definitely real!....however...there are no studies to prove this so I guess it was in our heads! Cia and I had it on the same side as Emily while Nelly has it on the other side and is still suffering from it-I just don't understand....I guess it's something I have to ask God about when I get to heaven! Isn't it weird and beautiful how our psychology works? What a mighty God we serve! :D

Tuesday 18 January 2011


And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:38-39; New Living Translation)

The love the love that Christ has for me just constantly amazes me! I'm just unable to comprehend the length and breath of it. It is so hard to describe it without using the usual clichés. Every time I think I've gone to far-so ashamed, unworthy and feeling worthless-I am able to run back into my Father's arms knowing that He has and will always love me! Free from being judged, with a clean slate I am safe in His arms, surrounded by His love and it is just so amazing to know that nothing can separate me from His love!

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Thought for today:

Jeremiah 29:11-  
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, 
thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

Sunday 9 January 2011

Me Alegra-I'm happy

Why am I happy despite all the work I need to do? Because Jesus loves me! Simple as...In getting ready to be a servant of God tomorrow there are several things my devotional what me to consider:

Submit myself to God and to others
Elevate the importance of others
Remember to maintain the heart of a servant
Value all people equally
Assume a humble position

Never forget that Christ came to serve

Treat others as you would want to be treated ...