Monday 4 April 2011

A real woman...and A real man...

A Real Woman...
Appreciates God's design of men and women

Likes being a girl

Behaves like a lady

Cherishes her femininity

Knows that she is special.

A Real Woman...

Believes in God

Has high moral standards

Is prayerful and strong

Wants to do God's will.

A Real Woman...

Recognizes goodness

Delights in truth and beauty

Respects herself and other people

Stands up for what is right

Gives compliments and praise

Is concerned about others

Knows how to listen and be a friend.

A Real Woman...

Unselfish, thoughtful and kind

Honest, faithful and trustworthy

Patient, sincere and forgiving

Modest, pure and chaste

Compassionate, caring and giving

Understanding, humble and secure.

A Real Woman...

Understands chastity

Values her sexuality

Appreciates her fertility

Controls her passions and desires

Knows her body is a temple of

the Holy Spirit

Never uses other people.

A Real Woman...

Loves babies

Nurtures her family

Is the heart of her home

Finds Strength in her husband

Understands sacrificial love

Is happy and content.

A Real Woman...

Knows, loves and serves God, and

strives to accomplish his plan for her life.

A Real Man...

Puts his faith in God - not in himself

Knows he is a child of God

Understands his purpose in life

Is Obedient to God's will.

A Real Man...

Respects himself and other people

Has strength of character as well as body

Behaves with dignity

Accepts responsibility for his actions

Thinks before he acts

Takes pride in his work.

A Real Man...

Is unselfish and generous

Is honest and trustworthy

Is honorable and dependable

Is kind and forgiving

Is thoughtful and sensitive

Is tender and romantic

Is unafraid to be himself.

A Real Man....

Practices self discipline

Controls his temper and passions

Controls his thoughts and desires

Knows right from wrong

Walks away from temptation

Has a strong value system

Stands up for his beliefs.

A Real Man...

Is willing to love sacrificially

Seeks the good of others first

Makes a commitment and keeps it

Protects his wife and family

Knows his body is a temple of

the Holy Spirit

Never uses another person.

A Real Man...

Loves God above all things

Trusts God and obeys Him

Leads his family in prayer

Is happy and at peace.

A Real Man...

Is a living witness to God's love.

I liked these and they reminded me of this song...

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