Sunday 6 February 2011

Catch up time! What's been happening...

 Any one for some pina colada-don't these babies look good? 
Bet you wished you lived with me this year ;)
Em bought new umbrella-how nice is it?

 Having dinner with the girls-don't know if you can see it but I got a crazy tan line from band practice! Shea butter saved my life!


 On our way to Ceiba for the first time, we picked up some Rambutan-spanish for hairy lychee-in Tela. I'm playing it's not Spanish for hairy lychee but it does like that though!

 We went to the beach as soon as we got there! After being picked up at the mall of course!

 It started to rain but these beach babes will never let it get to them!

One last photo-even though the mosquitoes came out full force! :O

 We met a cute little girl selling avocados and had to buy some even though they were seriously green! I think her name was Reina (Queen) bless her heart!

 Back at the mall many stores so little time!

 Passed this cute little area and it reminded me that we were on the north coast of Honduras!

 The guys in the back of the back of the van-I got to travel up from with the A/C...slightly jealous!

I didn't believe any church in Honduras spoke English until I came here! Found out later that they had a few in the capital also...It was so refreshing! Finally a church service where I don't zone out because I'm tired of trying to understand what's going on!

 Church finished and we decided while we waited on the bus, to take a few pictures! 

 Finally I got to go into the van back albeit in a dress, for the second time in my life!

 There's the van! It goes around the community picking up people and taking them to and from church.

 This reminds me of airport road in Jamaica-there are so many similarities that some times I feel like I'm back there!

 The room in which Em and I stayed-today we dressed like twins; I'm almost sure it wasn't planned!

 An interesting light bulb...

 Las gemelas-the twins-stayed in a different room; they look so tired after church, we'll be home in a few hours!
 Took some head shots while we were waiting for lunch...HIP HIP HORAY, IT'S EM'S BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!

 After breakfast in bed...

...she got to work on one is exempted lol!
She had a wonderful hand made cake....


...and a smashing get together! :)

How could I forget the wonderful powerpoint presentation and the wonderful rendetion of Stevie Wonder's Happy Birthday!

The girls across the road are so creative!

 The rains in this place are crazy-they are like hurricanes! If you get caught in on of these it is more than likely that your swimming the rest of the way home! The two of us were clinging to each other under my little broken umbrella and as you can see...we almost didn't make it!

We went to one of Pastor Roy's church up in the hills and wow! It is beautiful! The scenery was breath taking!

 The church...
Pr. Roy

 The church was on a I know it sounds dangerous but it was fine...

 Had a wonderful sabbath...praises be to God!

This is what happens when you roast a pumpkin can't even being to imagine the smell!

Once you get it all cleaned up-it's fine! Yes, after all that hard work we did eat it!

Seriously feeling the twist out!

Trying to look fierce while rocking a scarf...

Tutoring-murder if your kid does like to work! He such a sweetheart though but man!

 The light went out during tutoring-not cool! Thought it would be fun to do it by candle light. :)


 Had a few people over and decided to party like it was 1998 ;)

 It quickly turned into a hair braiding party (practice for Champas)...

 ...and men!

 Doesn't it add to his macho-ness?
 Apparently Emily braid really tight...he was laughing to hide his tears!

Kids in a boat representing Tela on the north coast of Honduras...

The girls were braiding hair-representing the Bay Islands....the practice paid off!

It started to rain.......

 The party moved inside and there were wonderful cultural dance displays....I MUST get one of those dresses!

 After a fluffy of activity...
And wonderful end...
 We decided to take the party home and do a mini photo shoot!


For the first time since I came to Honduras, we decided to go back to Tegucigulpa with a friend and spend the weekend...
 Road works create a lot of traffic sometimes and this means waiting in line for some time. Some people even turn their cars off! The trip normally takes an hour and a half; this could add half an hour or more to the journey time!
 The girls and I looking cute and ready in the back...
 Em in the front...
 ...with David...he REALLY likes that phone!
 Bought some sweets while we were in traffic...well if there's nothing else to do...
 The North American influence is terrible in this country...they have almost all the fast food joints and the guys are obsessed with American girls...
A lovely fruit cart....

Staring longingly at the coconuts....

This level of obsession is crazy!

And then finally some culture-

Basílica de Suyapa

Then of course we found the nearest mall where Em discovered Subways!

Yh..he really liked it here so we went...

And then there is the wonderful city have to love it...

That night we went out to dinner...

Took some interesting pictures while waiting to order...


He ordered us Pinturas-a stick of meat-after they brought us a lot of appetizers!

I had vegetables on a stick! Yes there is one and a half onions on the stick!

This marchena band come up to us and started singing-I was tickled pink!

Took some after dinner pics...

Then we went home and Emily blew up the second bed-the other inflated itself!

Tried to take some head shot photos and failed!

The afro got in the way-looking cute though girl-come to think of it there is more of the computer in the pic than Nelly's face!

Finally he joined us and we got a good one the first time!

 Poor thing...

 The twins fell asleep waiting for the bed to inflate!

 We also went horse back riding...I look like I got it now...
 ...but I'd much rather be walking!
 I don't understand how plants grow on roofs here!

 I don't remember what this was but it had a lot of ice drizzled with fruits and milk-it was interesting.
 Then that night we topped the weekend off with some singing :DSLOPPY JOES

Another new and wonderful discover! Just veggie meat cooked with tomato sauce slapped on a bun with vegetables! Que facil!

 Still not loving the peptobismal work shirts but what can you do?INSECTS!

They take a bit of getting used to. Em found this lovely guy in her room.

We had a competition in Valle de Angeles and this was our lovely outfit!

Cia tutoring my student...he's a sweet kid-he just loves his own way (as we say in Jamaica lol!)

Typical Honduran food! And my second love-a flour tortilla, slathered in frijoles (kidney bean puree), along with avocados, and plantains! YUM! Never get tired of these and you can add all the topping you want!


 She's so cute!

 This is where the other Emily asks the birthday questions and we found out that she wanted to hug a polar bear!
 Her and her boyfriend..
 We got her a cute bag! We figured out that she loved pink!


Trying to get my 3rd grade class together to help me!

In Chapel

1-3rd grade love to sing; higher than that and it's hit or miss sometimes!

3rd B did a good job of helping me out! Pity they are my peor class! It went well though and even my boss enjoyed it! :D

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