Saturday 5 February 2011

RICE KRISPIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Found a VEGAN recipe-got some rice krispies and I've been borderline diabetic ever since! They are just so good! They are also so easy to make! Just warm the necessary liquid ingredients (google it!)....

Add it to the rice krispies and stir. It started to pop and it was like music to my ears-I love to hear them pop! I shouldn't but you have to find the joy in the small things right? And anyways I don't enjoy this as  much when I'm having it as cereal because I am in such a rush that the popping is lost on me!

Pat it down in a greased pan and then allow to cool.

Cut them up and serve!....Bring on the diabetes :D

Feliz Sabado- our thought for today is :

Those who have done nothing in life, are not qualified to judge those that have done little.
Samuel Johnson

LOL-I promise this has nothing to do with the rice krispies ;)

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