Thursday 31 March 2011

My birthday!!!!!!!!

Jamaica night!


These Jamaican delicacy while easy on the palate is a nightmare to prepare! For some reason I decided to go the old school Jamaican route....bad idea. I now have finger nails and tips that look like they have been gnawed on by rats! One hour or more of my life gone! Poor Em was in on it too...

Girls day out! WOOP WOOP!!!!

As a pre-birthday celebration we went to Tegu-the big city to do some shopping! Yep that right-the country mice came to the city! -our quote for the day. We spent most of the day in Daiunsa which is like a department store- yh I know, I'm turning into a mom! I was dreaming about the things I could put in my my brand new house when I got married....! this is exactly what Ellen White was talking about-wasting time building castles in the sky....Anyways, I got a SLOW-COOKER! YAY!!!! Man I've been wanting one of those for time! (Along with a vita-mix-my birthday is coming up ya'll!) Then we went into a couple of shops and a supermarket-yes it's true- a sunday cannot pass and we don't go into a supermarket!

CHOLUTECA! Hot wat?!

Apparently one of the hottest places in Honduras, we went a couple of weekends ago to test the fates! Lol

Extra ordinary mind!

I do love the mind! :D