Thursday 31 March 2011

Girls day out! WOOP WOOP!!!!

As a pre-birthday celebration we went to Tegu-the big city to do some shopping! Yep that right-the country mice came to the city! -our quote for the day. We spent most of the day in Daiunsa which is like a department store- yh I know, I'm turning into a mom! I was dreaming about the things I could put in my my brand new house when I got married....! this is exactly what Ellen White was talking about-wasting time building castles in the sky....Anyways, I got a SLOW-COOKER! YAY!!!! Man I've been wanting one of those for time! (Along with a vita-mix-my birthday is coming up ya'll!) Then we went into a couple of shops and a supermarket-yes it's true- a sunday cannot pass and we don't go into a supermarket!

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